Thursday, 15 December 2016

الخاصية التي تريد شراء منزل في اسطنبول؟ هنا في بلوق سوف تجد كيف يمكنك الحصول عليها

 اسطنبول هي أكبر مدينة في تركيا ، و هي المدينة الأكثر جذبا للسياح و المستثمرين في تركيا . تجمع هذه 
المدينة بين الجمال الطبيعي و الهندسة المعمارية المذهلة حيث تتوفر على عقارات من نوع فلل ضخمة، شقق اقتصادية، منازل مطلة على البحر بأسعار مناسبة و جد معقولة. عرف القطاع العقاري ازدهارا ملحوظا خلال السنوات الأخيرة في هذه المدينة الرائعة. إذا كنت تبحث عن بيت أحلامك في مدينة الأحلام عليك القيام بما يلي : تختلف العقارات في اسطنبول من موقع إلى آخر ، لذلك إذا كنتم تبحثون عن منزل أحلامكم يجب أن تحددوا أولوياتكم واختياراتكم مثلا إذا كنتم تفضلون وسط المدينة أو جانب البحر أو أطراف المدينة . بالإضافة إلى ذلك تحديد ما هو الهدف وراء شرائكم للمنزل هل هو استخدام شخصي أو تجاري ؟
 -الخطوة التالية تشمل إيجاد و كيل العقارات المحلية حيث ترغبون بشراء منزل أحلامكم للحصول على ترخيص للعقارات التي ستختارونها. يجب أن تختاروا وكيل عقارات ملم بمعلومات عن الأسواقالعقارية في تركيا حيث سيساعدونك في الحصول على معلومات حقيقية و ميدانية و كذلك أسعار معقولة تناسب طلبكم . -الاختيارات التي تناسب منزل أحلامكم لذالك عليكم اختيار الأفضل و الموافق لميزانيتكم

. -إذا كان غرضك وراء شراء عقار في اسطنبول هو الاستثمار عليك أن تكون أكثر حذرا في اختيار الموقع المناسب و الذي لديه نطاق التطوير في المستقبل . لا تجعل قرار عاجلا يجعلك في نهاية المطاف شراء شيء لن تستفيد منه في المستقبل. و أخيرا و ليس آخرا إذا كنت ستؤجر شقته يجب أن تعلم كل تفاصيل ما يقع فيه تجنبا للمشاكل و خطر أم يكونوا يقومون بأعمال غير قانونية في الشقة .

Monday, 12 December 2016

Get Expert Advice On Searching Your Dream Home In Istanbul

Due to the flourishing real estate sector, Istanbul attracts large number of expats every year. There are several factors which prompt overseas buyers to search their dream home here, like high standard of living, stunning architecture, soothing climate and range of homes offered by Istanbul real estate for sale. If you are looking for a good property in this city, these tips will help you.

Options available for overseas home buyers to rent property in Istanbul

Istanbul is a densely populated for business as well as leisure. The most obvious option for accommodation in Istanbul is renting an apartment. Other options are lavish house and villas. So, before you start searching for Turkish rental property, make sure what your needs are.

Prominent locations of Istanbul where foreigners reside

Although the choice of a location depends largely on the budget, workplace and taste of the buyer; there are two prominent areas in Istanbul - Beyoglu and Sariyer that have foreign schools, hospitals and residents in abundance.

Documents needed to rent property in Istanbul

It depends on the requirement of landlord or your real estate agent. However passport, bona fide from school, college, company or workplace in Istanbul and proof of income are some standard documents which will be must needed.

Options of furnished accommodation

There are plenty of furnished housings available in Istanbul. If you are looking for a furnished one, make sure you mention it to your real estate agent.

Utilities provided with housing

Utilities are usually included in rental costs. However, for long-term rental options, tenants may be expected to pay utility fees on their own. Make sure to discuss this point before making a rental agreement. Also take heed if it is mentioned on the contract or not.

Always keep these points in mind before looking for either a rental property inIstanbul or real estate for sale.

Purchasing Real Estate In Turkey? Here Is The Buying Guide For You

flat for sale in Istanbul
If you are interested in buying your dream home in any of the provinces of Turkey, here is the buying procedure you should know. Be it flat for sale in Istanbul or villas in Antalya, Turkey real estate offers unbeatable investment offers to home buyers.
Steps followed while purchasing property:

Getting a tax number
All foreign residents in Turkey are provided with a tax number to make the official transaction in their name in a smoother and convenient way. 

Opening a bank account
You need only a passport and tax number for easily opening a bank account in any of the Turkish banks. 

Sign the contract
Pay the reservation fee to the seller and sign up the contract. After signing up the contract, it is ensured that the seller will not sell the property to anybody else and after two weeks the buyer has to transfer the money to the bank account of the real estate company.  

Document certification
For getting the right of ownership, the buyer need a copy of passport, two passport sized photos and tax number submitted for TAPU (government agency certificate for land registry). By the time of receiving the Title deed, all taxes and fees must be paid.
After successful completion of all these steps, you can become the owner of your dream home in Turkey.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Investing in Antalya Real Estate for Sale

Antalya is the central city and state in the Mediterranean region of Turkey has a lot on offer for an investor, the selection of property offered is remarkable, and the quality in most of the cases is high to fantastic considering the prices.

Know More about Antalya 

Within Antalya city are three distinctive regions where you must look, Lara to the east is chic and trendy with sandy beaches, breathtaking jagged cliffs, and esteemed hotels, most of the properties available are of high quality and pretty much desirable. Kaleici (the old town) a maze of winding lanes plus streets lined with shops, small bazaars, and boutique hotels offer the property buyer something unique and different and is a must to be kept on the viewing list. To the west of the city lies Konyaalti well-known for its palm tree lined promenade the area is plentiful with reasonably priced properties.
It’s Just Perfect 

Unlike its neighbors, the Turkish economy has not seen the mayhem that has caused mass unemployment and severe hardship across Europe. With the republic's accession to the EU being paved, it is predicted that more and more people will be looking at Turkey as an economy to invest their precious money in. Closer ties to the rest of the European Union would only add to the draw of owning a house in this ancient land.

It’s Pretty Simple

Turkish property is not a course fraught with risk.  The government has made it simple for foreign shoppers to invest here. With so many eye-catching resorts and vicinities to choose from, and with costs much lower than most of the Europe, now is the ideal time to explore the alternative of purchasing a beautiful piece of real estate in Turkey.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Get Your Dream House in Istanbul Easily with a Real Estate Company

Some interesting facts of turkey along with its immense natural beauty will make you profound to buy a property there. Turkey’s capital Istanbul is one of the most beautiful places on the list of must-visit spots where every year endless people come to see the mixture of heritage with modernism. After becoming the European cultural capital in 2010, this city becomes the world’s fifth-most-popular tourist destination. Moreover, with its rapid growth in every sector, the city is organizing for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Istanbul is one of the fastest-growing metropolitan economies in the world and has become one of the most in-demand city where people from all around the world want to own houses in Istanbul

Why Buy House In Istanbul?

It is because; Istanbul offers excellent rental and owning options for both business and commercial purposes of real estate properties. People can buy the luxurious houses in Istanbul at affordable prices. If you are looking for the best deal of property for sale in Istanbul, hire a real estate company or agent. With this step, you can quickly get the best property deal to buy the well-constructed houses or the brand new luxury apartment complexes constructed with all amenities of security service for 24 hours, gym and fitness centers and swimming pools built indoors.

How to Get the Best House in Turkey?

A big and unknown place can mislead you while selecting a house to purchase, so dealing with intelligence is only the option when it comes to purchase of any property whether it is known or known the place.  Only a real estate professional would be able to detail you where to buy the house. Investing on the property is progressive when the location of property is good. A real estate company helps you to understand the market strategy and also offers you a range of deals to buy a dream house in Turkey. A real estate company is linked with various major and minor property owners and dealers who can offer you for the best investment regarding house with all the standard amenities.


Istanbul is one of the fastest developing cities in the world with a range of choices of property for sale in Istanbul. People’s investment in houses in Istanbul is a profitable idea, besides they can live a classy and happy life in a pleasant climate and modern touch of Istanbul. For the best deal of property, you must hire a renowned real estate company.